
Do You Have A Digital Strategy For Your Business?

Episode 25


About The Show

Updating your Facebook page each day doesn’t constitute a digital strategy for your small business.  Today we talk about what it is and how it can help to future-proof your business.

A Digital Strategy is one of the most important documents you can now have in your business. We are all familiar with the importance of having a clearly defined and documented Business Plan for our business, to set our vision and strategy.Very few businesses however understand the importance of a clearly defined and documented Digital Strategy. In this episode I outline what a digital strategy is and how it is so much more than scheduling posts to Facebook and Social Media.

What You'll Learn!

  • What is a digital strategy and why you need one
  • Case studies of businesses that didn’t have a digital strategy and the impact that had on their industry
  • Why a digital strategy is not just your social media and marketing activity
  • The different components of a front-end and back-end digital strategy
  • The digital life cycle of consumers
  • Identifying where your customers fit in the digital spectrum
  • The importance of identifying the trends in your industry and how that can impact your product delivery
  • Why you need to build your business on your own assets such as your website and not on rented land or third party assets that you can’t control such as YouTube and Instagram
  • Back-end digital issues you need to consider around protection and security

Links Mentioned

Join other business owners in our Free Facebook Community all sharing their trials, ideas and wins in business. It's a fantastic community of driven and supportive entrepreneurs.



Email Marketing is one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

However, success from email marketing can only happen if you have the right tools to do the job and one of the most critical tools is your email delivery system and service provider.

You can have the best scripted email in the world but if it's not getting to your intended recipients then it's just not going to be sucessful.

Success in Email Marketing starts with an Email Service Provider that Ticks All The Boxes.

I have used and trialled many email and automation systems in my 20+ years of business, from free inexpensive systems to the more elaborate, expensive and high end. 

Convertkit, ticks all the boxes when it comes to getting results with your email marketing.

Full Episode Transcript



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