
Start Your New Year Planning On The Right Foot

Episode 69


About The Show

In this episode, I give you the tools and a framework to start your year new off on the right foot.

It is common for people to not worry about their New Year planning until after the New Year has started. The problem with this approach is that January is nearly over before you gain any traction and start moving towards your goals.

I provide you with a system and framework that I use to turn this approach on its head and start your planning process now for the new year you have momentum when the New Year kicks off.

What You'll Learn!

  • Why it’s important to start your New Year Planning Now
  • How to start your planning now to give your new year every chance of being your best yet
  • A framework and System that I use and you can adopt to easily get started now.

Links Mentioned

Join other business owners in our Free Facebook Community all sharing their trials, ideas and wins in business. It's a fantastic community of driven and supportive entrepreneurs.

Mindmeister is my go to tool for cloud based mind mapping.  The ultimate way to get your thoughts and ideas out of your head and into action.



Email Marketing is one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

However, success from email marketing can only happen if you have the right tools to do the job and one of the most critical tools is your email delivery system and service provider.

You can have the best scripted email in the world but if it's not getting to your intended recipients then it's just not going to be sucessful.

Success in Email Marketing starts with an Email Service Provider that Ticks All The Boxes.

I have used and trialled many email and automation systems in my 20+ years of business, from free inexpensive systems to the more elaborate, expensive and high end. 

Convertkit, ticks all the boxes when it comes to getting results with your email marketing.

Full Episode Transcript



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