
Culture & Why It’s Critical To Business Success

Episode 50


Jason Skinner

Getting file data...

Jason Skinner         Jason Skinner        
Getting file data...           Getting file data...          
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    About The Show

    Business Culture is one of the most important elements to business success. Yet it ’s so rarely discussed, mentioned or identified.

    Business owners spend countless dollars & resources on marketing and growing sales to attract new customers. Yet often fall down on the promise once the customer is in the door.

    Business Culture is the glue that keeps your team happy and feeling the love for your organisation. It’s the glue that keeps your customers coming back and loving your brand.

    What You'll Learn!

    • What exactly is business culture
    • Why it is critical to your business success
    • When you have happy, valued team members they are happy to show up and serve your customers.
    • Action you can take to identify and improve the culture in your business.

    Links Mentioned

    Join other business owners in our Free Facebook Community all sharing their trials, ideas and wins in business. It's a fantastic community of driven and supportive entrepreneurs.



    Email Marketing is one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

    However, success from email marketing can only happen if you have the right tools to do the job and one of the most critical tools is your email delivery system and service provider.

    You can have the best scripted email in the world but if it's not getting to your intended recipients then it's just not going to be sucessful.

    Success in Email Marketing starts with an Email Service Provider that Ticks All The Boxes.

    I have used and trialled many email and automation systems in my 20+ years of business, from free inexpensive systems to the more elaborate, expensive and high end. 

    Convertkit, ticks all the boxes when it comes to getting results with your email marketing.

    Full Episode Transcript



    Cashflow is critical to success in business. You can have the best business idea ever, but if you can’t generate cash and pay the bills you won’t survive.

    Grab my 12 simple ways to boost your cashflow cheatsheet!

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