
AskJason: How To Have A Healthy Cashflow In Business

Episode 86


About The Show

Cashflow is very critical when it comes to business. As the saying goes “cash is king”, with great profits but no cash business won’t run.

In this episode, we are interviewing one of our members of The Business Made Easy Podcast Community, Phil Lichtenberger. We are answering Phil’s questions with regards to having a healthy cashflow in business, what are the things to implement and how to get clear with your expectations when it comes to payment terms.

What You'll Learn!

  • The importance of a healthy cashflow
  • Getting clear with your expectations when it comes to payment terms
  • Tips and tools to monitor your cashflow
  • Invoicing
  • Incentives vs Penalties

Links Mentioned

Cashflow In Your Business & Why It's Important

Get a real-time view of your cashflow.
Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone and see up-to-date financials. It’s small business accounting software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical.

Join other business owners in our Free Facebook Community all sharing their trials, ideas and wins in business. It's a fantastic community of driven and supportive entrepreneurs.

Full Episode Transcript



Cashflow is critical to success in business. You can have the best business idea ever, but if you can’t generate cash and pay the bills you won’t survive.

Grab my 12 simple ways to boost your cashflow cheatsheet!

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